I've been doing a monthly parent/child program at the Arboretum called "Stories in the Garden." Last month, the book was called, "The Ugly Vegetables." It's a book by Grace Lin, about a Chinese family and their garden greens. The
neighbors have a flower garden, and in the end, the two families share
the plants from their garden, one family brings the floral centerpiece,
and the other family brings soup made from the greens. Great story
about sharing cultures!
For the program, I had different greens on hand for the kids to taste and use in a bouquet.
We collected some flowers and greens from the garden. Then we made crayon prints with a few of the smaller leaves. Meanwhile, we chopped up some of the greens and added them to canned chicken soup that I had simmering on a hot plate.
It was a fun program but greens are still a hard sell for kids, as Popeye will attest!
If I had to do it over again I would get some white napkins and have the kids do the leaf prints with acrylic paint on the napkins as a more durable craft.